Bear clan, since, as full sun just the man of the house is. Resolved to not makeup, or any bit of feminine draped over his body (program
Playing or now except for a small number of relatively passive role the way Bear). They rarely like other comrades coated cologne or scented things, because the vast majority of them do not care about body odor smells like rotten boys, but that does not mean that they must have a strong body odor. Many trained a bodybuilding physique gay, since that is the salt of the earth or at least to attempt; big part of the bear clan refused to beautify their own economic advantages, or social status as the pursuit of the goal . Therefore, many comrades Bear Family is a fairly open, friendly, social groups. The bear clan sometimes to get rid of the relationship between themselves and the gay community. They have their own bars and occasions, there can be social and other bears. They will have singles matches, very similar to a beauty contest, but usually with strong sexual overtones, and the winner can get a leather shoulder strap and title. Everywhere in the world bear clan Bear Family ballroom community, such as in Australia, South America, North America and Europe. Will be held in the Bear Family activities in those regions usually different between Bear Family Community members will exchange interaction with each other.
